Faceless Videos
on Auto-Pilot.

Our powerful AI video creation platform allows you to fully automate a faceless channel.

No credit card required

Trusted by creators everywhere

Unique engaging videos every single time

Choose a video in any niche

Step 1

Create a Series

Choose a topic for your faceless video series. Select from our preset list or create a custom prompt. Our AI will begin crafting your first unique video immediately.


Step 2

Preview and Customize

Review your AI-generated video before it's posted. Edit the script or title. Each video is uniquely created for your series.


Step 3

Automate and Manage

Edit your posting schedule, connect your YouTube channel, and let Shorts Goat handle the rest.



Choose a plan for your ideal posting schedule



Save 2 months

with the annual plan



/ month

$19 billed yearly

Posts 3 Times A Week

Equals ~ 13 Videos per Month

Edit & Preview Videos

Auto-Post To Channel

HD Video Resolution

Most popular


/ month

$39 billed yearly

Posts Once A Day

Equals ~ 30 Videos per Month

Edit & Preview Videos

Auto-Post To Channel

HD Video Resolution



/ month

$69 billed yearly

Posts Twice A Day

Equals ~ 60 Videos per Month

Edit & Preview Videos

Auto-Post To Channel

HD Video Resolution

Frequently asked questions

Series and Videos:


More questions? Contact us

Start a faceless shorts channel today

It's quick, easy, and takes less than 5 minutes.

First video on us

No credit card required


Shorts Goat

Shorts Goat automatically creates, schedules,
and posts faceless videos for you, on auto-pilot.
Each video is unique and customized to your topic.

© Copyright 2024 Shorts Goat. All rights reserved.